Mane Matters!

Mane Matters = Hair Matters (just in case you didn't get it)

As many would have realised that your hair can really set your style and change your look, in fact, it is one of the most important aesthetic feature of your image, therefore Mane Matters! (alot!)

And believe me, while having well coiffed hair sets u apart from others, makeup definitely brings you to a whole new level!

So I welcome you to my little space where i showcase some of my styling works that can pull you away from your everyday look, just for a night out or a special occasion!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Another shoot i did sometime back, hair done by me.
Loved the opportunity to do something different
Fantastically shot by EK Yap

Long Overdue!!!!

Been over a year since i updated this blog... Done so much but not much evidence... Here's some of hair done by me!